Cannes Lions

Invest Your $249 in Peace, Not War

THE MILL, New York / WAR CHILD / 2018







The campaign, titled $249, raises awareness about global spending on war, which amounts to approximately $249 per person, per year for every man, woman and child on earth.

The campaign encourages people to offset this spending on war by investing in peace together with War Child USA.

Every single pixel in this film has been crafted in CGI and carefully animated by a team of VFX artists.


Every single pixel in this film has been crafted in CGI and carefully animated by a team of VFX artists.

Using basic pre visualization methods allowed the team to work on many iterations of the edit. Once the edit was close to be locked, they moved onto lighting and rendering the piece.

The team used a combination of Maya, XSI and Z Brush for modeling this piece. Lighting was setup in Maya and IES light profiles were used to shape the volume of each individual light.

In order to add real character to the animation in the film, the team stuck to traditional methods of animating. In Houdini they simulated the bills flying and landing on the surface, allowing a smooth transition to the look and feel of the piece.

The render was then completed using Arnold.

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