Cannes Lions

Invisible Years

ARTPLAN, Rio De Janeiro / AMIL / 2018

Case Film
Presentation Image






If we add up the hours a child spends every day on electronic devices, the

result is really shocking: years standing still in front of screens. It is a time

nobody sees. That’s why we called it “Invisible Years”. It all starts with a simple

question: “would you let your child without going out to play for years? What if

you are already doing it?” To make our point, we chose a family with a 9 year

old boy, a heavy user of electronic devices. And we measured the average time

he spends over a week in front of screens. After that, we presented the math to

parents. Bernardo spends an average of 6,5 hours before screens. So, we

projected this average until he is 18, and the result was stunning: 4 years and 8

months still in front of screens. Years without a bike, a skate or a ball.


To bring "Invisible Years" to life, first we chose a family and, with parents’

authorization, we hid cameras in their house for 1 week. They only knew it was

an idea for a health insurance brand, but not regarding screens or childhood

obesity. After 1 week, we invited the parents for a talk, revealing our true intent.

To show all the invisible years their son was wasting by simply staying still using

electronic devices. An idea that raise consciousness about the screen-time and

how it's related to childhood obesity. All the material was put together in a

video, creating a highly shareable content that was displayed in our own social

channels, as well in Hel Mother's - host of the experiment - brand channel on

Youtube. It quickly spread over the web and was the first video made by a

Health Insurance Company relating screen-time and childhood obesity.


. Business impact – sales, donations, site traffic

. Response rate

. Change in behaviour

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