Cannes Lions

It's About Ducking Time

MRM NEW YORK, New York / DUREX / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film






Durex is a challenger sexual health brand and has always supported open conversations about sex.

When Apple announced the iOS Autocorrect update, that won’t autocorrect ‘F%#k to DUCK’ anymore, the world went nuts about it. This announcement generated a global media buzz and it was the perfect opportunity for a challenger brand like Durex to own the moment and say: It’s about ducking time.

The objective was to hijack the ‘F%#k to DUCK’ conversation, transforming the buzz into a social ecommerce platform.


After 15 years of autocorrecting 'F%#k' to 'Duck,' Apple finally updated the iOS Autocorrect, letting users SEXT more freely. This announcement

generated a global media buzz.

Durex, the world's leading sexual health brand celebrated this moment and said: It’s about ducking time, by flooding the web with shoppable posts and promo codes, tailored for different audiences such as DownToDuck, QueerAsDuck, DuckBuddies, and more.

The ducking codes hijacked the 'F%#k and Duck' debate and transformed it into a cultural commerce platform with a conversion rate of 6.3x for new users and a 15% increase in net sales.


Our strategy was to flood social networks, in less than 24 hours, with rubber Ducks as Promo codes tailored to different audiences like DownToDuck for dating sites, QueerAsDuck for the queer community, DuckBuddies for friend enthusiasts, and more.

Each post had a direct link to our ecommerce platform, which offered specific products for each audience, applying a special discount that let people buy Durex for less.


While the whole world was talking about the iOS Autocorrect update and how iPhones would finally stop autocorrecting F%#K to Duck, we flooded social media in 24 hours, with a series of rubber Ducks as promo codes, targeted for different audiences, turning culture into a social e-commerce platform. As people discussed about the F%#ks and Ducks on social media, our Duck codes would automatically appear on their timelines. With just two clicks, they could choose products suggested for their sexual preferences and buy Durex for much less.


Our Duck codes made big waves and delivered outstanding results: 6.3x conversion of new users, 9x more engagement on TikTok, 6x more engagement on Instagram, and a 15% increase in net sales.

The flow of people to our e-commerce platform was so significant that the server even crashed for a few moments on the day of the campaign launch.

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