Cannes Lions

It's in our DNA

HAUSMANN, Oslo / UNICEF / 2020

Presentation Image
Demo Film






Scientist are currently working on DNA as a storage method, as an alternative to digital storage. This technology will revolutionize the way we store data in the future. The DNA-coding of Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is just the beginning.

DNA is natures oldest storing device and the safest place to store information that humans always will be able to read, as oppose to technology that gets obsolete. To put it in perspective it is easier to recover information from prehistoric remains than from an old phone.


UNICEF is appointed by the UN to protect The Convention on the rights of the Child (CRC).

Last year, the convention celebrated its 30th anniversary, and this was a great opportunity for UNICEF to show people that The CRC is the most important document in the world.

Together with leading scientists we used the brand new technology of DNA-coding to ensure that the CRC will always be readable, as long as humans exists.

At the 30th anniversary, the CRC became the world’s first official document to be stored in DNA along with a million-year long commitment from UNICEF to fight for children’s rights.

DNA is natures oldest storing device and the safest place to store information. To put it in perspective it is easier to recover information from prehistoric remains than from an old phone.


The campaign was published in november, in the time of the CRCs 30th anniversary. The campaign film was published on various Social Media and pictures of ministers, influencers and Unicef ambassadors were shared on their own channels.


With the help of a team of Scientist from Cambridge, California and Paris, we produced ten samples of the Children's Convention in DNA.

You are probably wondering how this is possible? Even though the process of synthesizing DNA is complicated and done by scientists it is not so different from other more common methods of storing information. Storing in synthetic DNA is like coding on ordinary computers; it's just another language. It's a bit like translating Chinese to English – 0 and 1 (computer code) to ACTG (DNA-code).

To show their support for the Children's Convention, users could log on to a website and sign their name that was stored with the Children's Convention.

The capsules were then sent to various parts of the world, partners, the Norwegian prime minister, UNICEF's headquarters in Geneva, the UN building in New York and the safest place in the world; in the permafrost at the World Arctic Archive in Svalbard.

The campaign was published in november, in the time of the CRCs 30th anniversary. The campaign film was published on various Social Media and pictures of ministers, influencers and Unicef ambassadors were shared on their own channels.

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