Cannes Lions

KALDEWEI at the ISH 2015, Frankfurt/Main


Presentation Image
Case Film
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The design of the stand is inspired by a network of intersecting beams of light, to mirror the brand’s dazzling design quality. These beams divide the space into prisms – the lines are not parallel, but converge on three distant vanishing points. It’s a three-dimensional matrix that creates a central court with walls that lean in towards the center – a dynamic interplay of perspective and proportion creating a dramatic stage for the center point of the installation.

The Atrium of the Senses - The products are built in to the rim of a large pool filled with orchids, the shape of which mirrors the multi-faceted design of the larger space. Bright, delicate and aromatic, the spatial installation offers a sensory contrast to the hard lines of the structure around it.


This concept was the result of an extended design process from the development of the first ideas up to the realization. A comprehensive analysis and strategic assessment and a dialogue with our clients where every task is looked at from different perspectives serve us as a source of inspiration for the development of spatial identities.

The bright, delicate, curved and light globe of orchids juxtapose with the dark, shining walls, the strict geometry and hard surfaces of the architectural construction, as well as the pure design vocabulary of the premium products. The iconic design of the display rooms draws the viewer’s attention to the material, color and harmonic design of the products. Music, scent and a different lighting concept in each room create an experience for all the five senses, making the fascination of the Kaldewei brand tangible


• Value added to brand

• Value for consumer

• Reach/cultural impact

• Sales

• Achievement against brief

• Other KPIs

From the very beginning of the 2015 iSH, a great amount of articles, images and videos were published in various magazines, newspapers and on diverse social media platforms. Furthermore, the positive personal feedback from customers was overwhelming.

The trade fair was the ideal platform for internal communication as well since it was the first three-dimensional presentation that underlined the companie’s position as the world’s leading provider of premium enameled steel bathroom fittings. Arndt Papenfuß, Marketing Manager at Kaldewei resumed “The concept of this trade fair stand follows clearly delineated focal points that provide the perfect backdrop for our new products.”