Cannes Lions

Kazakh buy-book


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Case Film






The problem of the national language is the current major issue in Kazakhstan.

According to history, due to the legacy of the Soviet Union, part of the country still speaks only Russian and doesn't know even the minimum basic level of the national Kazakh language.

Magnum, local and the biggest retail chain and online grocery store in Kazakhstan, as a leader of the market, could not stand aside and should make a response on the current major issue in Kazakhstan, and help the Government and society to solve the problem.


Help Russian-speaking citizens to start learning the national Kazakh language.

Demonstrate to Kazakh-speaking citizens that brand supports the national language.

Raise Magnum positive brand attitude & awareness.

Increase Magnum product range & price knowledge.



It's enough to learn a hundred basic words to know basic level of any language.

Most of these basic words are fast-moving consumer goods for everyday use (bread, water, meat, soap, toothpaste, pen, tea, rice, apple, etc). 

And all of them you can find on the website of Magnum online grocery store.


Kazakh buy-book: learn basic Kazakh words while buying basic goods in the Magnum online store!


Taget audience

Adult people 30-55, men and women, who buy goods in the online grocery stores. Russian-speaking who understand the importance of start learning the national Kazakh language, but don’t have time for it because of work and family issues.

We found a new innovative approach for online shopping - how to integrate learning of the national language into the online grocery experience, turning a routine task into an educational opportunity.

People can buy goods online in the Magnum webstore and learn national Kazakh language simultaneously.


All websites in Kazakhstan are made in two versions - in Kazakh and in Russian languages.

Of course, Russian-speaking buyers use only Russian version of the Magnum webstore.

That’s why we simply added Kazakh translation on the images of basic goods on the Russian version of the Magnum webstore. 

Now Russian-speaking buyers simultaneously see Kazakh names of basic goods while shopping on the Russian version of the Magnum website. Subconsciously memorizing and learning basic words of the Kazakh language.


Customers immediately noticed changes on the Russian version of the Magnum webstore and that became the main topic in social media and mass media to talk about, increasing brand awareness.

People said this smart and simple way of learning the national language is non-coercive and time-saving. It evoked the warmest feelings of appreciation and positive attitude towards the Magnum brand by both Russian-speaking and Kazakh-speaking customers.

People have started tagging competitor retailers, urging them to follow.

Thanks to such publications, more and more people are getting know about Magnum’s initiative, its product range and prices. More and more people start learning national Kazakh language with basic Kazakh words.

In just a week from the beginning, with a zero media budget, Magnum’s initiative received wide coverage in social networks, mass media, and influencers: Reach 302 112, Impressions 14 417. The Campaign is ongoing, total results are not finalized yet.