Cannes Lions

Kenya: exploring a new point of view


Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






Huawei develops/builds cell towers (hence the term 'cellular coverage'/'cellphone') for telcos like Safaricom Kenya, delivering mobile connectivity. These cell towers dot the landscapes to provide coverage, linking mobile users to an increasingly digitally connected world.

Over the years, Kenya's economy has benefitted from this digital transformation. Despite its progress, many still remember Kenya in its traditional form: unconnected and old-fashioned.

To show how cell towers benefit/co-exist with the land around them (as well as coverage in unexpected, far-flung locations), we sent a photographer up to the peaks of these cell towers to capture photos of the places they serve. Using a Huawei P10 camera smartphone, new, shareable digital Kenyan landscape photos portray an updated, progressive Kenya.

Not only does it demonstrate Huawei's coverage of Kenya, it also shows how its technology can influence progress to the continents they serve, through an exclusive and new point of view.



Intention is to demonstrate Huawei's contribution to the nation, gifted in the form of 8 shareable landmark photos portraying a new, progressive Kenya.

• Locally/globally - use of digital social media to project campaign (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn + minisite).

• Use of Kenyan KOL photographer's social media channels to maximise reach/influence

• Press conference launch event involving the Kenyan Tourism Minister and client Safaricom's Corporate Affairs Director, as well as top Kenyan news outlets

• Internally, supported by Huawei Consumer Business' smartphone and wearable device division.

• Post-launch: Kenyan Tourism Minister's direct social media support, Kenyan Tourism board partnership/social media support, Huawei's consumer team's domestic social media support,


1 month, launched end November 2017


Collaboration with Kenyan Tourism Board. Earned media through top Kenyan news outlets, radio program mentions, complimentary TV airtime. Expanded brand awareness on digital space through articles/posts/reposts by KOLs.


Media Outputs:

8 journey videos, 37 social media posts (including 8 shareable digital photos of new Kenyan landscapes). Released on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin), amplified through multiple national (+global) news and media outlets.

Target Audience Outcomes:

Social media posts achieved 46.2 million impressions, 4.88% engagement (FB)

Videos achieved 21.4 million impressions, 23% engagement (FB)

Business Outcomes:

• Attention of Government/ministry + influence: Kenyan Tourism Minister + Kenyan Tourism Ministry awareness and support.

• Stronger client relations: Safaricom Kenya by their own initiative, buys commercial TV slots worth $130K USD to air the content, unedited.

Safaricom Kenya declares a strong relationship with Huawei through this campaign.

• Complimentary brand exposure through earned media: Multiple national online news and newspapers, radio mentions, with complimentary TV broadcast of the full campaign journey videos reaching the Kenyan masses – numbers which are beyond measure

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