Cannes Lions


INITIATIVE, Los Angeles / LIONSGATE / 2011

Presentation Image






At South By South West – the massive mainstream music and film festival in Austin, Texas – KICK-ASS branded taxis offered festival attendees free rides in exchange for sharing their most kick ass stories from the festival on YouTube and Twitter.

Lionsgate became the first advertiser to sponsor a VEVO music video premiere when KICK-ASS launched the highly anticipated “Telephone” video by Lady Gaga & Beyonce. Additionally, Perez Hilton, the top celebrity blogger in the U.S., recorded a video announcing that he was joining the KICK-ASS band of superheroes as “Laptop Samurai.” We leveraged a new social media platform called ThisMoment to amplify the social chatter across Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, and Twitter.Word-of-mouth through ThisMoment and other edgy celebrities such as Howard Stern helped sustain excitement about the film through the DVD and VOD release.


By leveraging edgy celebrities we were able to generate a huge amount of buzz from our influencers. By amplifying their chatter through multiple social media outlets using ThisMoment’s platform, KICK-ASS was number one in the box office.

The buzz was so big that it sustained high enough levels long enough for the DVD to become the top DVD sold in its first week of release, as well as the top movie download on iTunes, Zune and Playstation. The campaign delivered 1.6 billion on-line impressions and generated over 150 million video views.

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