Cannes Lions



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IKEA has great value, high quality, full service kitchen offering. But most people don’t even know IKEA sells kitchens. Even people who love IKEA imagine a process where they find themselves installing a flat packed kitchen on their own.

On a limited budget needed a campaign that stood out while overcoming barriers relating to service and quality to make sure that when people think kitchens, they think IKEA.

We needed to make a clear broadcast statement as well as being able to deliver more detailed, rich information about their offering on their new kitchen website.Enter Kitchen Squad - real IKEA kitchen experts. They find people in dire need of new kitchen, steal their old one and destroy it before designing, planning and installing a new one. With the help of Leonard Sheppard, visionary filmmaker, we film this and use it to demonstrate the reality of what IKEA can offer.


Capturing all this action creates wealth of content that enables us to address all tasks through TV, online content, trailers, PR, press ads and website.Initially used Leonard Sheppard in social media to generate interest about ‘Kitchen Squad’, new project he was involved in. Then, couple of days before launch, released the trailer along with a concerted PR push. This activity promoted transmission time when Kitchen Squad would be revealed on C4 with 3 ads in consecutive breaks.On day of TV launch, press ads drove people to airtime along with articles in ES and online in MediaGuardian.TV campaign launched that night, followed by press ads focusing on the problems Monica faced and solutions IKEA Kitchen Squad offered.When TV launched, Kitchen Squad website launched with more content and information about the Squad and what they do. Local stores talked about their local Kitchen Squads, and ‘Kitchen Squad’ launched instore.


The campaign is in its very early stages, so there are no results as yet.Having said that, the initial launch generated tens of thousands of youtube hits to the trailer before the campaign had even launched. The PR generated included big articles and a focus in the Media Guardian online.

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