Cannes Lions


OMD TAIWAN, Taipei / UNILEVER / 2013

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Taiwan moms are very busy, as they need to cover a million stacks of things every day, such as, working, housekeeping, taking care of children, and preparing meals. But no matter how busy they are, they still expect to provide a variety and good taste meal for their family. Therefore, “what to cook” becomes a headache part for most of the mothers in Taiwan.

Knorr, as a leading food brand of instant soup and seasoning category in Taiwan, wanted to provide an effective solution to help Taiwan moms.

However, the potential challenge confronting Knorr is the speedy pace of modern lifestyle that requires a quick solution for cooking. In addition, quickness is not the only demand for the target audience but they also expect for the variety and good taste from instant food. Therefore, the key marketing objective for Knorr is to offer a wide scope of recipes and to generate a delighted cooking experience to the consumers.

The KPIs for the campaign was set to get Knorr app placed at top 10 ranking of Lifestyle Category’s Free App download during launching and a total of 50,000 app download till end of August 2012.


Our target audience is working female aged 30-49 years old. She needs a friendly access and easy recipe as best solution to fulfill their daily needs and facilitate their usage. However, we also see a rise of internet browse from mobile, target audience take good advantage on the pocket time on-the-go.

There has been an uptrend of smartphone penetration in Taiwan (source: FIND/Nielsen/Google) and 40% of Knorr core target audience own a smartphone. Considering iPhone device is the new reliable media among the targeted audience, iOS “Knorr Recipe” mobile application was developed to reach Knorr’s target prospects.

To effectively drive download of Knorr App, two approaches were made:

- For cyber moms, tactically spread and promote the features of the app via high traffic portal sites.

- For penetration and influence, both blogger endorsement and editors’ choice from iapp, a professional content site were used to leverage the word-of-mouth to successfully drive downloads.


- Knorr No.1 Recipe app achieved KPI in 3 days!

-- #2 Top Free App in Taiwan

-- #1 Top Free Lifestyle App in Taiwan

- 200% achievement vs. set goal

- Scored the highest five-star application by app users

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