Cannes Lions



Case Film
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"The Premium Malt's" is one of the main products of Suntory, which is a high brand of beer in Japan as well. The aim is to create an opportunity to drink, promote the product, and increase the presence into the daily lives of more customers.

"Beer for celebration = The Premium Malt's". Beer has always been consumed at scenes of celebration.

A celebration calendar app ""Kotobuki"" was developed to build a culture to send a high-class beer, The Premium Malt's, for celebration.

When one is connected to SNS, the app registers and manages birthdays. Moreover, a language and emotion analysis system, "Celebration Radar", extracts even tiny celebrations such as "My back pain has gotten better".

For every celebration, you can send the Premium Malt’s gift voucher through the app that can be used at convenient stores all over Japan, which directly leads to the sales of the product.

Over 100,000 app was downloaded in 2 months and more than 10,000 beers were given as "gifts to celebrate the happy moments" among application users. It succeeded to make a new sales platform through users themselves, and media exposure has risen more than 200 articles mainly on web sites.

This app was used through the seasonal event such as Christmas and New Year celebration and gave customers a new opportunity for product use.

We also are helping to strengthen the presence of "The Premium Malt's" in the daily lives of customers through the increase of users.

KOTOBUKI is supported by Suntory, formerly known as KOTOBUKIYA. KOTOBUKI is defined as a word for celebrating happy moments as well.


A celebration calendar application 'Kotobuki' was developed to build a culture of sending as a gift a high-class beer, The Premium Malt's, for celebration.

When users are connected to a SNS, the application registers and manages birthdays. Moreover, a language and emotion analysis system, 'Celebration Radar', extracts even tiny occasions for celebration such as 'My back pain has got better'.


Over 100,000 downloads of the app in 2 months and more than 10,000 beers were given as 'gifts to celebrate the happy moments' among the users. It has succeeded in making a new sales platform through users themselves, and media exposure has risen more than 200 articles mainly on websites. This app was used through the seasonal events such as Christmas and New Year's celebrations and gave customers a new opportunity for product use.

We have also helped strengthen the presence of 'The Premium Malt's' in the daily lives of the customers through the increase of users.

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