Cannes Lions

La Chingada



2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Demo Film
Case Film
Case Film
Case Film
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Pepsico’s platform of extra spicy flavors, Xtra Flamin Hot, was running its second and successful equity campaign in Mexico. The challenge was to continue growing in brand preference, in a market that offers multiple options in the category. The previous campaign, worked around the typical behavior of people cursing when they eat something very spicy, and showed excellent results in terms of affinity and engagement. So, to build consistency and claiming ownership of that territory, we now had to work on a brand experience around the Xtra Flamin Hot snacks, highlighting the appetizing and pungent attributes of the product, while reinforcing its connection with the Mexican consumer, with objectives of engagement and trial.


In Mexico there is a peculiar town that bears the name of “La Chingada”. Which is casually, the most used profanity in the country when someone eats something truly spicy. “Vete a la Chingada”, which could translate like “Go to Hell” in English. So, to demonstrate the high level of spiciness of the Xtra Flamin Hot snacks platform, we went to that town and documented real citizens, testing the pungency of our snacks. Proving, once again, that they are so spicy, that the people there also exclaim the most used profanity in Mexico: “Vete a la Chingada!”


Xtra Flamin Hot’s previous campaign was anchored in a strong social behaviour all over Mexico: whenever people eat something very spicy, they inevitably curse. That campaign really resonated among the intense flavors consumers and Mexicans in general and had excellent results in terms of relevance and engagement. So, capitalize this previous effort and really claim ownership of that creative territory, we decided to link this activation to the previous campaign. But with a stronger objective of trial. This way, we claimed that since our last campaign so many people tried our products and sent us to “La Chingada” that, this year we decided to actually go all the way there and invite citizens of that town to try them and test their pungency. Daring new consumers, all over Mexico to try them too.


Implementation: The implementation was carried out during 3 days, in which the Xtra Flamin' Hot product was tested among the inhabitants of the town.

Timeline: March 2023.

Placement: "La Chingada" municipality of Perote, state of Veracruz, Mexico.

Scale: Small scale.


“La chingada” is a digital campaign that will be advertise in different digital networks such as Youtube (51% of total investment mix), Facebook (28%), Twitter (17%) and Instagram (4%) that will allow Flamin’ Hot to reach 50,086,148 unique users. The digital campaign plans to achieve 199,988,584 impacts and 18,800,060 views.