Cannes Lions

Ladies of Tang Dynasty

THE NINE, Shanghai / DAMING PALACE / 2023

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Demo Film






The Daming Palace is a key cultural heritage site in China, Built in Year 643 and the largest ancient city in Chang'an during the Tang Dynasty. The Daming Palace hopes to reshape its brand image and inspire young people's love for traditional and ancient brands.


Ladies of Tang Dynasty were the most respected, free, independent, beautiful, and stunning portrayal of women in the Daming Palace during the Tang Dynasty.


We inspired from Tang Dynasty Chinese paintings such as "Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk" and "Ladies Playing Double". We extracted hairstyles and lip colour by these surviving work in the painting, as well as the unique makeup that gradually fades from yellow to red. Combining geometric shapes, design 26 English letters of Ladies of Tang Dynasty, as well as hundreds of abstract illustrations of Ladies of Tang Dynasty. At the same time, we created a motion graphic of plane letters using 3D software, each letter seems to represent the beauties of different temperaments. We integrate these letters and illustrations into various media and materials such as Posters, Outdoor Billboards, Canned T-shirts, Stamp & Bookmark, Tea Cup, Seals, Umbrella & Notebook, Refrigerator Magnet, etc.


The series of Ladies of Tang Dynasty IP products have attracted tourists to the Daming Palace to buy and collect, and the ancient brand has become youthful and fashionable.