Cannes Lions

Lane Keeping Bed

GTB, London / FORD / 2019

Presentation Image
Case Film






Ford is one of the leaders in automotive technology, but it’s not perceived as one. Though it offers cutting-edge systems in all its cars, these technologies rarely make the headlines.

In this context, the brief was to come up with a creative idea to launch the latest Lane Keeping Aid Technology the car manufacturer offers throughout its range. But instead of a 3D demo or a product film, we were asked to show the technology in a human, engaging way.

The objective was to get both people and the press excited about Ford’s innovative Lane Keeping Aid, showcasing the manufacturer as a tech leader.


In order to transform Ford’s new Lane-Keeping Aid technology into a story we created a different type of tech demo by taking it out of the car to solve a real-life problem: bed hoggers, the people who take over most the bed’s surface in their sleep.

So Ford created The Lane-Keeping Bed, world’s first smart bed designed to keep each partner on their side. Using a revolving mattress, motion control and pressure sensors, the bed automatically adjusts, keeping everyone in their lane. Just like the system keeps cars.

For best impact, Ford Lane-Keeping Bed was launched on Valentine’s Day, sparking a world-wide debate about sharing a bed and the importance of sleep.


Car technology doesn’t spark people’s interest, so it rarely makes it into the news. To launch Ford’s new Lane Keeping Aid, we created a different type of demo. We took the tech out of the car to solve an everyday problem people really care about.

According to doctor Neil Stanley, sleep expert, we move unconsciously during the night, making 12 to 20 major positional changes, sometimes taking over most of the bed. This can lead to sleep deprivation, a problem for our physical, mental and emotional health.

So, Ford created the Lane Keeping Bed, designed to keep each partner on their side, the same way it keeps cars in their lane. The smart bed mirrored the benefits of the car system into an everyday object.

Alongside the actual prototype, we’ve also created assets to support the press release, which included a film that featured couples and a sleep expert.


To launch Ford’s Lane Keeping Aid technology, we’ve created the Lane Keeping Bed. A smart bed designed to keep each partner on their side, just like Ford’s technology keeps cars in their lane.

Using pressure sensors, the bed detects if a partner moved into the other’s sleeping space, and the revolving mattress with motion control gently moves them back to their position.

The smart bed was featured in different assets tailored for each social media platform. Couples and doctor Neil Stanley, worldwide renowned sleep expert, starred in our videos to spark the conversation.

For big impact, we launched the campaign on Valentine’s Day, one of the most romantic days of the year.

Ford’s Lane Keeping Bed became a hot discussion topic around the world, with media outlets, influencers and couples sharing the story. From UK newspapers to US TV shows and all social media platforms, conversations sparked everywhere.


The launch of the Lane Keeping Bed was very successful, generation over 1000 traditional media stories across the world. From US morning shows or evening news, to UK newspapers or social media, the offline and online coverage was extensive.

The videos generated over 7.5 million views on social media, with an engagement rate of over 34%. The Lane Keeping Bed gathered over 4.4 billion impressions, so it was a world-wide hit.

Ford’s Lane Keeping Aid technology became a story worth telling, and people loved it. The Lane Keeping Bed improved brand awareness and perception, and Ford was rightfully considered as a hi-tech company.

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