Cannes Lions

Last Drop

LEPUB, Sao Paulo / HEINZ / 2024


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Images






Heinz is more than a brand; it's part of the culture. I mean, which other brand can claim that must be consumed? It Has to Be Heinz. A strong relationship that becomes less and less about price or availability, and more and more about taste, quality, and Irrational Love. Irrational Love is the communication platform that led from real fans’ personal love affairs with the brand, to the extreme lengths one will go to have Heinz, to the obsession and care the brand’s products are made with.

That’s something outstanding and, obviously, something must be done. And when Heinz wanted to highlight this love and connect to people, we found the perfect excuse to do it: why not play a tribute to the people willing to go the extra mile and allow themselves look silly so long as they can get every drop of Heinz Tomato Ketchup?


With the concept It Has to Be Heinz, "Last Drop" transforms the habit of savoring every last drop of Heinz that falls into a whole visual campaign.

Showing completely unexpected and entirely relatable situations of people licking ketchup off their plate, elbow, steering wheel, and even off their child's head to savor a little more of that taste.

The campaign became print, out-of-home ads, digital pieces, and quickly became a global topic, with hundreds of people admitting to having done the same.


Our strategy to generate relatability to our target audience? Simple but effective: create a campaign inspired by our target audience themselves.

First, we identified real viral situations of people licking Heinz in strange places to not waste any bit of the flavor. Then we turned them into a fun campaign that could not only highlight this behavior but also show that only Heinz is worth it.

This campaign was delivered through various media channels and influencers, showcasing to the world how authentic this love is. And people bought it. I mean, licked it.


When social media filled up with the content of consumers attempting not to waste any drop of ketchup, we managed to shoot a campaign in just 5 days. Turning a real viral behavior into a Heinz behavior. Within the first three days, three videos of consumers licking ketchup drops were posted on Heinz's Instagram and Twitter profiles in more than 6 countries. Prompting immediate engagement from the fanbase and creating an intriguing connection between the brand and fan behavior. Later, Heinz decided to further promote these licking attempts by sharing a static image from each video. As the social media campaign began to lose momentum in terms of reach and engagement, the campaign took to the streets with the same static images from their online posts, displaying them in cities such as London and Sao Paulo. Demonstrating that it had to be Heinz.


392 Million impressions. on the first 15 days of the campaign

18% engagement post reached, an 310% average engagement rate.

40+ media outlets

94% of comments are related.

00 elbows licked to reach every fallen drop.

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