Cannes Lions



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On a cold night in January, we united 100 charities in a single mission – to ask David Cameron to acknowledge the need to 'tackle global hunger' at the G8 summit this June.

How we did that is a story of determination, passion, 96m Twitter impressions, 100,000 sign-ups and a history-making event culminating in the world's first ever Twitter powered 3D projection. Within just 12 hours the campaign had the backing of David Cameron.

The key PR elements of the campaign included:

- A creative response to the campaign brief and situation

- A strategic plan with tactical implementation to attain the campaign objectives

- A public launch event

- Mass talent management

- An integrated social media strategy

- Hardcore media relations

- Thorough result collation and evaluation


1. We created a live launch event…with a twist!

Media, celebrities, influencers and the public gathered at London's Somerset House on the evening of January 23rd 2013 to attend the kick-start. They were there to hear the great and good speak about the campaign and be part of the world's first ever Twitter powered projection.

The projection only started once the campaign hashtag #IF had been used by enough tweeters.

2. The evening was compered by stars including Lauren Laverne and Bill Nighy. A further 30 celebrities attended the event.

Faithleaders rallied for support, whilst One Direction sent the teen twitterati into a frenzy and Bill Gates called for support.

3. More than 50 powerful celebrities, including Stephen Fry, Lord Sugar and Rita Ora, lent their support via Twitter snowballing into millions of retweets globally.

4. The week preceding the event we leaked imagery of the projection and the names associated with the campaign. Somerset House became a media-hub for interviews throughout the day.


Within JUST 24 HOURS the launch event had created a ripple effect leading all the way to Number 10!

Objective 1

David Cameron responded from No.10 in just 12 hours!

In March's budget, George Osborne confirmed that the UK will spend 0.7% of national income on aid.

Objective 2

We beat the target by 50% and squeezed 1,500 key supporters into Somerset House in an historic launch event

Objective 3

• Over 100 pieces of media coverage spanning broadcast, print, online and international media

• 680 million OTS

• 96 million Twitter impressions

• 66,000 campaign hashtag mentions

• 98% neutral-positive campaign sentiment to @enoughfoodif

• 50 celebrity tweets reaching 22 MILLION combined followers

• Live streaming reached 150 million

• 1 million video hits

Objective 4

• 50,000 campaign sign-ups in 48 hours

• Over 100,000 campaign sign-ups to date

• 80,000 unique visitors to the campaign website

• Campaign awareness has reached 6 million

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