Spikes Asia

Lee Heat Tracker


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As a global brand that stands for “stay curious”, Lee encourages young people to go out and explore their city throughout the year, no matter rain or shine.

But in many regions across China the temperature dips to below zero degrees in winter and the idea of “stay curious” wears thin. Youngsters prefer to stay in.

Lee’s Magma Fusion collection, a line of jeans that retains body heat, created the opportunity to encourage youngsters to go out even during winter.

Lee needed a way to highlight the unique features of Magma Fusion and restore a sense of curiosity in youngsters and their desire to explore.


We leveraged Chinese users’ mobile behaviour and the built-in functions of WeChat to maximise the adoption of The Lee Warmth Tracker, a HTML5 game embedded in Lee’s WeChat account.

Users across China participated by following Lee’s account and setting their hometown position via WeChat’s native “Share your location” function.

Lee could then track users’ locations every time they visited the Lee WeChat account and reward them with points for the distance they had travelled since they had last opened the account page.

During the two-month campaign, users unlocked incentives they had accumulated. All the incentives encouraged users to leave their homes to explore.

To kick-start the campaign, a video series featuring KOLs pursuing their passions during winter were released to drive interest. QR codes with calls-to-action and bonus points were placed in OOH, print and prime locations of Tier 1 cities to further activate and encourage exploration and repeat participation.

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