Cannes Lions

LIDL "Kids Gone"


Case Film
Case Film
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A Christmas campaign. An international one. With a theme that moves people. Ideally to take a long, hard look at themselves. For Lidl. 

It should, of course, be the first to stand out from the crowd in the international Christmas campaign market. To be different. To take a stand.

And then, of course, make sure people serve Lidl products this Christmas. This requires a large campaign platform and an intelligent, modular campaign system.


We listen to what children want. Sounds trivial. But if you consider it for what it is, it’s oh so relevant!

On the one hand, they are the ones who struggle to cope in an increasingly aggressive world. Wishing for peace, reconciliation, love – and desperately needing them. And Lidl reaches out to them, by creating awareness of this wish with a grand film.

On the other hand, in its shops Lidl offers everything a child’s heart desires. And it’s affordable for most families.??A modern fairy tale with a deep, emotional core, this epic film explores the tension, anger and stress that are tearing our society apart – and the impact this is having on our future, the next generations. It is these future generations, the children, who play the central and key role in the film.


Nowadays, sadly, it’s innovative if you have the courage to adopt a stance. The courage to address a topic that’s so big that it’s important the world over. The courage to do something that not everyone would dare.?A smart movie, in various versions with various music and intros, perfectly tailored to each target group.

Product videos as a conclusion in TV, with the same actors and a selling version of our song.?A modular campaign system with a large content collection, allowing us to take a stand at countless moments and at the same time boost sales. 

Everything you need to ensure your Christmas communication is modern and big and new.??


Nowadays, sadly, it’s innovative if you have the courage to adopt a stance. The courage to address a topic that’s so big that it’s important the world over. The courage to do something that not everyone would dare.?A smart movie, in various versions with various music and intros, perfectly tailored to each target group.

Product videos as a conclusion in TV, with the same actors and a selling version of our song.?A modular campaign system with a large content collection, allowing us to take a stand at countless moments and at the same time boost sales. 

Everything you need to ensure your Christmas communication is modern and big and new.??


Through studies and interviews we find out what it is they are interested in. What children want from us adults. What gets their hearts racing. And launch a social media fundraising campaign, in which people can easily generate donations by “Good Gesture”. They share and like the grand Christmas film “Kids Gone” and Lidl donates.

We get influencers on board and invent a simple key visual, a heart drawn in the air by children, to thank people for participating. With our simple system, which allows users to do something good and support projects that are close to children’s hearts without giving money themselves, we collect 90,000 euros.