Spikes Asia

Lifebuoy's Germ-busting, Attention-grabbing Mobile Campaign Delivers High Engagement

BLIS, Singapore / LIFEBUOY / 2017

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In today’s day and age where germs are evolving and getting stronger, Lifebuoy makes it its mission as the world’s number 1 anti-bacterial soap to market affordable, antibacterial soaps to discerning and health-conscious families. The brand champions good personal hygiene as the key to well-being and the best line of defense from the spread of diseases. Lifebuoy is also positioned within a highly competitive CPG market characterized by intense price wars and perceivedrelative product homogeneity. Competition is steep across numerous products in the market also touted as antibacterial.

Thus, our main strategic goal was to increase brand awareness and appeal to our Target Audiences of mothers with children below 12 in Singapore. Knowing they are time-pressed and historically difficult to reach, our targeting strategy for this group had to be attention-grabbing and informative in order to cut through the clutter of other brands vying for attention.


Working with a budget of <$30,000 SGD over 35 days, our approach aimed to engage, contextualize and connect with the Target Audience wherever they are. To ensure we were reaching mothers, whether at home or at workplaces, we had to execute a multi-layered strategy involving real-time targeting based on proximity of consumers and retargeting them at the most relevant time and place.

To do this effectively, we first mapped locations frequently visited by mothers. We looked at nursery centres, at specific periods during allotted pickup times more than three times a week, as well as if they had visited a toy store in the past six months. With these geo-fenced locations, we were successfully able to reach mothers who were in these relevant locations in real-time.

As we wanted to further drive ad engagements, we undertook a retargeting strategy wherein users were retargeted during sit-back moments when they were on more secure WiFi connections at home or at work. This was achieved through geo-fencing key residential areas and the CBD during the campaign period. The overall strategy was anchored by a highly engaging, custom rich media interstitial that prompted users to destroy germs on screen, certainly inciting attention and engagement.

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