Cannes Lions



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Build selectively mainly through cannibalization of sales from Medova Tea and increase market share in the segment of black tea bags. Increase penetration by 8%. Furthermore, the goal was trial for especially Medova tea drinkers. Last but not least the goal was to improve Lipton’s market position through an image building program. In order to “paint the city yellow”, to achieve trail of the product and obtain stand out we came up with the following mix of media:Sampling/insert (Saturday edition) and creative ads in national newspapers – both sampling and ads made stand out in the sense that it was the first time that newspapers made the effort to sample. Further, the creative ads had to be approved on the highest editorial level, because they were not standard format. We had small teaser ads on front pages of newspapers just before sampling and a reminder in the same positioning after insert/sampling. The creative ads were on page 3 in newspapers just before sampling. The sampling that came together with an insert was distributed on a Saturday (weekend) in order for the potential trial persons to have time to enjoy the tea in a relaxed environment.Outdoor – In four periods we had a mix of 7 different postersScaffolding advertising – On three locations in Copenhagen and Århus 10x12 meters scaffolding ads were placedFurthermore, a close creative link was found between the different media.Evidence of consumer effectiveness:By the re-launch a 6,6% increase in market share was achieved on the market for Black tea bagsLipton achieved a volume increase from Index 100 to index 128 for Yellow labelYellow Label cannibalized market shares from Medova but also from competitors. Targeting analysis, competitive analysis, media strategy, media idea, contribution to creative ideas, negotiation with media and implementation of campaign. The reason for this entry is that we made a unique print campaign with stand out. The campaign was unique because we were sampling in the newspapers and made creative ads never seen before in that media. Furthermore, there was a close link between the print campaign and the other media (outdoor) used for this campaign.


Targeting analysis, competitive analysis, media strategy, media idea, contribution to creative ideas, negotiation with media and implementation of campaign.

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