Cannes Lions


DIESTE, Dallas / TBD / 2017

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Case Film






What if pets could talk? What if pets could tell us what they like or don’t like or what they need? With Lola we were able to create the answer to these questions.

a create a virtual pet that could be the voice for all shelters dogs looking for a family. A virtual pet that would ensure that those interested in adopting a new pet are up to the task just by interacting with our virtual pet. At some point during the experience, our digital mutt will try to make the audience fall in love with the idea of adoption, by ensuring these future families are prepared for the task, and spontaneously introducing possible shelter dogs, available at Dallas Pets Alive, that will fit them.


To bring this project to life we had to create a virtual persona, knowing that we had several limitations: a set voice, a limited number of intents that we could design and on how to deliver a message while guiding a user through a natural conversation. Creating the whole experience using creating all the possible conversations flows, adding SFX to give it a richer experience and having some fun in hiding a couple of Easter eggs in the dialogue. We relied on PR to place the product by creating news around Lola being the first pet to live inside Google Home virtual assistance.

The beauty about this virtual assistant is that it lives in every Google Home without the user having to install anything. All that a user has to do is say: “Ok Google. Let me talk to Lola The Mutt” to bring to life that pet inside their



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