Cannes Lions


UNILEVER, London / DOMESTOS / 2024

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Case Film
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Toilet Care is a mundane, low involvement category. The way we clean our toilets has been unchanged in over 40 years.

Domestos sought to disrupt the category by launching an innovative format; a foaming spray to clean toilet and bathrooms. Not just that, it could spray upside-down, killing germs in the hardest-to-reach places.

Domestos faced a dual challenge, trying to attract attention within this static and boring category and second, that its convenience and improved experience came at a price premium at a time of a cost-of-living crisis.

The communication objective was to achieve high awareness levels. Getting consumers and retailers alike to be aware and interested about this new foaming upside-down cleaning product. Additionally, we needed to bring alive the product promise in a memorable and engaging way that convinced consumers to try it. We needed a campaign that did justice to the product USP and was truly disruptive.


The Domestos Loo with a View activation managed to break clutter in a boring category and earn disproportionate eyeballs driven by the voices of media and influencers. By creating London’s highest loo in the sky, this highly memorable activation was developed to (literally?) elevate the product and its ‘hardest to reach’ proposition.

Drawing on the experience of dining in the skies, Domestos elevated the loo experience to new highs, cementing Power Foam’s USP of cleaning in the most ‘hard to reach’ places.

A 'floating' toilet - ‘The Loo with a View’ was to be hoisted over 100ft into the air, with a 360-view of London city, mirroring the 360 spraying ability of Power Foam.

Media and influencers were invited to try out the ultimate 'Loo With A View' at a tentpole launch event, coupled with a specially crafted news story supported by research uncovering the hardest spots to clean.


Target Audience: A broad audience of 25-55 year old consumers who want to surround themselves, their friends and family with a healthy home environment. They are always on the lookout for the best solutions to keep their home protected.

Strategy and Approach: From our Big Idea insight and our Consumer insight, we defined the key criteria for a successful activation:

a) Scalable and talkable

b) Clear product benefit and call to action

c) Creates a free experience for consumers when purse strings are tight

d) Clutter breaking and culturally relevant, playing on British humour

e) Incredible opportunity for User Generated Content


‘The Loo With A View’ was a custom-built Portaloo fitted with more than a bowl, a seat and a flush. Like other tourist attractions, the experience was brought alive with toilet humour and product messaging, taking visitors on a journey from the second they saw a contextual OOH campaign guiding them to the attraction, to the moment they set foot in the event area where toilet themed games and experiences greeted them. Visitors could listen to a restroom saga with "A Brief Bog History" and chuckle at "The Daily Bog" newspaper offering light loo reading ending with a photo memento finish to commemorate this sky-high achievement.

A mix of influential journalists (i.e. Metro, Daily Express and SecretLondon), retail stakeholders and influencers participated in the event and shared their experience on social media. The campaign was also amplified online by engaging videos, creation of an Instagram AR filter and social posts.


The campaign's resonated through both traditional media and engaging social discussions, each playing crucial role in conveying the campaign's key message of ‘killing germs in hard-to-reach places’.


• 18% Category value growth driven by Domestos Power Foam

• Top 5 ranked SLC SKU across all UK retailers


• Retail sales of OVER £6mn in Y1 of launch (with rapid £1.2mn sales build up in the 2 months post campaign

• Over 2 mn HHs Tried Product In 2023


• 51 pieces of traditional and social media with 58.2 million opportunities to see

• Coverage highlights include Evening Standard’s, Secret London’s Instagram reel (reach: 1.6m) and TikTok (reach 1.3m) and event coverage with Metro, Daily Star and Indy100

• Over 20 million organic social reach in 24 hours

• 33.6% average engagement rate on social content

The campaign has been a resounding success with objectives more than met.

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