Cannes Lions

Lost Panda | Together We Find

DEUTSCH LA, Los Angeles / TILE / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film
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Tile is a little wireless tracker that helps you find your keys, wallet, or just about anything else. But there was one thing Tile couldn’t find: an emotional way of connecting with people. Our challenge was to make “stuff” meaningful. Our solution? Turn something into someone.

That someone took the form of Ernie, a lost stuffed panda who is trying to find his best friend, a little girl named Lucy. While the campaign was fully integrated, it began on the streets of San Francisco and New York, where we put up thousands of “Lost Panda” posters to introduce Ernie’s story.

These posters proved to be incredibly shareable on Instagram, and #lostpanda quickly went viral.


We based our Lost Panda poster on the look of lost pet posters common in the United States. With the design in place, we launched the campaign in October with street teams placing 20,000 posters in New York and San Francisco. We also leveraged influencers in both markets to help get the word out during the two-week poster flight.


• Business impact – sales, donations, site traffic

In San Francisco and New York City, Tile experienced better sales conversion rates than non-OOH markets in California and New York.

OOH markets saw a:

+4.1% greater percentage point lift in Product Views

+4.8% greater percentage point lift in Add to Cart

+4.8% greater percentage point lift in Completed Sales

• Response rate // Influencers

340 Total Stories + Social Posts

27,863 Total Engagements

3,996 Clicks on Influencers Posts

• Change in behavior

As a result of the integrated campaign, sales increased over 30%.

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