
Lotto Christmas Collection



1 Silver Eurobest
2 Shortlisted Eurobest
Presentation Image
Case Film
1 of 0 items






When the National Lottery was created 30 years ago, it was an event that could gather the entire nation in front of the TV to watch the numbers being drawn. But that was 30 years ago, and the brand experience that Lotto offered is no longer fit for today’s audiences. So, Lotto badly needed to be revitalized in order to become relevant to the Danes again. However, as a lottery that’s played every Saturday, it didn’t have a strong or significant ownership throughout the year. That’s when we saw Christmas as an ideal opportunity to activate Lotto’s existing ’Share the Joy’-platform.

The brief was thus simple: “How can Lotto become a part of the Danish Christmas in an engaging, relevant and fun way?


Once, Christmas was all about the joy and the excitement of giving. But in Denmark, Christmas has turned into a transaction event where the Danes think about it as a chance to stock up on basic items, making their Christmas wish lists extremely boring. In fact, a study showed that 72% of the Danes have wished for “boring Christmas gifts”.

But the National Lottery is all about joy and excitement. So, to bring some excitement back into Christmas we created ‘Lotto Christmas Collection’: A collection of boring Christmas gifts turned into Lotto tickets. The collection featured some of the Danes’ most frequent boring wishes. Each with unique series of Lotto numbers printed, painted or even embroidered on to it. All working as Lotto tickets for the drawing right after Christmas, making it possible for people to give a Christmas gift that could make their loved one a millionaire.


For over 30 years, Lotto hasn’t changed and neither has their audience. It was time to try something different to attract new audiences.

Christmas provided the perfect opportunity to activate Lotto’s ‘Share the Joy’-platform. But how do you get new players in December when everyone is already overwhelmed with endless amounts of Christmas communication?

We decided not to make just another Christmas commercial – we wanted to become an integral part of the Danes’ Christmas. When we then found out that 72% of the Danes wished for boring Christmas gifts – a fact in complete contrast to the excitement of the Lotto brand – ‘Lotto Christmas Collection’ was born. This way, people themselves could easily add some much-needed joy and excitement to Christmas.


The campaign launched nationwide at the start of December. The entire collection was available for purchase on Lotto’s own site and was promoted in a film that was shown on national TV, Youtube, Facebook and Instagram.

By giving people the opportunity to buy Lotto tickets as gifts for their loved ones, we gave the Lotto brand a unique way to be carried directly into Danish households on Christmas Eve without having to pay for the media placement. On top of that the gifts will serve as life-long visual reminders of Lotto in the Danish homes.

After only a week, the collection had sold out twice. So, for everyone who missed out, we then sold Lotto tickets the size of wrapping paper at shopping malls all across Denmark.


The goal of the campaign was to let people experience Lotto in a new way and become an entertaining and relevant part of the Danes' Christmas.

Did it work? Yes. The campaign resulted in Lotto making its way into the Danish homes on Christmas Eve and into the hands of thousands of newly activated players with personalized and unique gifts that could turn them into Lotto winners. And Lotto yet again became an experience that families gathered around and shared.

The interest for the collection was bigger than we could have imagined, resulting in the entire collection being sold out twice.

Compared to the month before, the social traffic raised by 460% in December.

Lotto got 29,862 new site users, and the sale raised by 9% during the campaign period.

The campaign drew national as well as international media coverage (i.a. BT, Contagious).

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