Cannes Lions

Loud Angels


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Deutsche Telekom enables millions of customers to participate in digital life. With dozens of NGOs they work tirelessly for a web where all of us can come together in a safe and respectful way. So, fighting hate speech is more than a campaign, it’s a real brand purpose and attitude.

To encourage people to join the fight, we focused on a very powerful fact: It’s only 5 % of people who spread hate online.

This is important to know. Because it helps to not feel alone when you stand up against hate. In fact, you’re going to be part of the vast majority of 95 % of online users, who only need to raise their voices to silence negativity. And the more of us come together, the easier it gets.

We had the chance to give people hope for an important cause.


How do we make sure that our message reaches not only the brain but also the heart of the viewer? With the idea of creating hidden object pictures in mind, we staged the battle of "good versus evil" in one of the most original ways ever: by pitting angels against devils.

Around 100 individual figures were drawn and arranged for this piece of work. Five devils who try to disturb the peaceful coexistence (group?) by all means. And about 95 angels who playfully react all the louder with their singing and all sorts of instruments. We really wanted to draw the viewer into the picture and only at second glance letting him find and discover the small, almost hidden bits of hate amongst so much love. Because at the end, it is only 5 % who spread hate online.


This campaign was something special. TV and radio based solely on the eighties classic “You’re the Voice“ by John Farnham and the acoustical battle between 5 singing haters and a loving choir of 95, print needed to be something entirely different, yet equally engaging. Illustrators Yeye Weller and Carles Garcia O’Dowd dreamed up hidden picture puzzles with sheep fending off wolves and devils overpowered by angels and made it work.

The audience embraced the creative approach with open arms. It showed in the campaign numbers.

1 billion media contacts

47 million media impressions

+ 41 % awareness / engagement

+ 19 % brand image uplift

+ 45 % perceived social responsibility

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