Spikes Asia

Love Your Gut

OGILVY, Bangkok / DUTCH MILL CO. / 2023


1 Gold Spikes Asia
1 Bronze Spikes Asia
1 Shortlisted Spikes Asia






Dutchie, the yoghurt leader, struggles to keep ‘health spotlight’ to themselves – having to share between health categories as the tide of purchases pointed to new entries with quick health solutions. Meaning consumers are solving issues by just the end and overlooking health fundamentals - ‘The Gut’ - an equally important organ as the brain with its responsible for breaking down and absorbing nutrition directly to body.

This ad aims to re-prioritize ‘Gut Health’ and advocate Dutchie as a healthier lifestyle enabler, recruit new users to take long-term care of their health – the healthier Gut, the more you enjoy the world.

Dutchie utilizes the shift in the behavior shaped by stepping into fully digitize world of Thai society –the behavior that e-commerce made consumers shrink in their patience for answers or delivery, to the shift in health focusing on more tangible or social media body expectations.


Dutchie yoghurt wants to communicate our product’s benefits through the Creative idea that, “when the gut is not healthy it doesn’t absorb nutrients and deliver them to the body. It’s like we didn’t eat at all.” Our goal was to change consumer behavior by encouraging them to pay more attention to their gut health and pamper it daily with Dutchie yoghurt.


Gut Health was never a familiar topic to the ‘tangible health targets’ – therefore, our strategy was to ‘make the unfamiliar, the familiar.’ It was important to not make the ad an education video, but a cut through the clutter of online content to reach the targets – simplest solution was to make a familiar comparable to the process of Gut Health.

Riding on the trend of e-commerce, Dutchie found the pain everyone once experienced – a delivery that never arrives at your front door. Similarly, Gut purpose was to absorb and transport the right nutrition to the right organs, but without being looked after, they will only work as a pathway for digestion. Dutchie strategically chooses the most desired health into the ad; including muscle building with whey protein, perfect skin with collagen, or immunity with vitamin water to build perception of Gut Health before any other benefits.


Dutchie truly aims to make consumer re-prioritize their health focus and to take the right foot into taking care of their body from the fundamental – firstly by communicating with them in the right platform.

Knowing the target lives heavily online, and to re-prioritize meant the audience must ear in for full attention, so which platform serves the purpose? YouTube and Facebook. The media tactic is at minimum, where the ad was bombarded during peak media consumption period, and let the ad speaks for itself. This is a simple, yet powerful direct communication to help consumers understand what health really are its fundamental and establish Dutchie as the true experts in health


Within just three weeks of releasing the ad, the results are outstanding – truly strives right at the target’s heart, and creating a ripple effect making the ad more visible with organic W.O.M :

• A staggering achievement on YouTube of 4M reach, and nearly 20% completed view

• An impressive KPI surpassing its initial goal by 94%

• Most importantly, a applaud of achieving the most prioritized objective; rising awareness and prioritizing of Gut Health and a positive sentiment towards brand for making an education easy to understand with quirky storyline they can relate to

This ad proved to be a good starting point to continue with Dutchie’s new direction - pushing Gut Health the national health priority.

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