Cannes Lions


JWT, Paris / BAYER / 2011

Presentation Image






Reconnect with the gay community, thanking them for their support and recognising the role they play for the brand. We developped a new catch phrase, "TRY ME!", derived from the name of the product, Try, in order to ad a new layer of connivance to our communication. On top of a press campaign depicting phallic objects with "TRY ME!" written on them, we distributed flyers and stickers in the Marais (Paris Gay area), inviting the community to take the campaign in their own hands, branding any object they want with the "TRY ME!" slogan.


The campaign took place in march, so we can't have any results regarding the sales. But, we did spread the word ! - throughout the web with lots of publications showing the press images, - throughout the streets of Paris with people who putted stickers all around the "Marais" area, on "phallic" objects, - throughout the stores with again people who putted stickers on "phallic" objects.

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