Cannes Lions



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Luv Your Skin was designed to raise awareness of the dangers of UV exposure on the Genentech campus during Skin Cancer Awareness Month. Other onocology products tend to get the lion's share of attention at Genentech and this campaign was designed to focus attention on their efforts in the skin cancer area. The strategy was to highlight the dangers of UV exposure that are all around the employees on campus for an entire month through out-of-home media and other digital channels that literally warned employees in real time that they were at risk. The main elements of the campaign were tables and benches printed in UV sensitive ink that revealed provocative messages when in direct sunlight. Over the course of the campaign, over 9000 employees were exposed to the campaign and a greater awareness of skin cancer and Genentech's efforts in this area were generated.


The strategy was to highlight the dangers of UV exposure that are all around the employees on campus for an entire month through out-of-home media and other digital channels that literally warned employees in real time that they were at risk. The main elements of the campaign were tables and benches printed in UV sensitive ink that revealed provocative messages when in direct sunlight.


Over the course of the campaign, over 9000 employees were exposed to the campaign and a greater awareness of skin cancer and Genentech's efforts in this area were generated.

Anecdotally, this campaign tested extremely positively in market research in the US and EU, and the “cord-brain” has generated a lot of buzz among psychiatrists, and gotten a great deal of attention among drug company marketers, and pharma advertising circles.

Prior to the premature termination of the program, unfortunately, quantitative measurements were assessed at only a few opportunities—most notably in APA attendees’ (2013 congress of the American Psychological Association) change in awareness and understanding before and after the convention.

Results corresponding to the above stated goals for 2013 APA were as follows:

• Satisfaction around unmet needs were mostly unchanged during APA—baseline levels were already high

o However, the % of psychiatrists/attendees who agree that current antipsychotics have limited impact on symptoms increased directionally

• After APA, there was a significant increase in unaided awareness about NMDA and a directional increase for glycine as being required for NMDA receptor function

• After APA, there were significant increases in both unaided and aided awareness that GNE is developing new treatments for schizophrenia

• Unaided awareness of glycine-related MOAs increased significantly after APA

o There was a slight increase in knowledge level of the glycine reuptake inhibitor MOA after APA

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GENENTECH, San francisco



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