Cannes Lions

Machinegun Mouth


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Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) is game that went from a popular pastime to being seen as a social menace. As gaming culture grew, so did negative perceptions of gamers: as social recluses overindulging in their vice. Unfortunately, this reputation was warranted. With unhealthy gaming practices increasing, there emerged a clear need for intervention. Identifying this issue, we wanted to revolutionize behaviours - and the conversation - around gaming. 


Obsessive gamers are playing anywhere and everywhere; when they're alone or with their family. Albeit unknowingly, they disrupt the family dynamics and togetherness. Which in India, is a big reason why parents start taking a position against gaming.

The film tells the story of the long suffering family of a gamer. We see all the tribulations they're put through relentlessly. And finally the brand puts the family out of their long suffering by putting the control in their hands through interventions like 3 hours gaming limit and One Time Password.

But parental interventions ran the threat of it becoming uncool for the gaming community. So we needed an execution that's as much fun as it's informative. So we created a unique sound design of beatboxing gaming sounds and used humour as a tonality to make it fun for all.


Gaming as a category has been plagued with ghastly and scary stories of addiction. And these stories had started turning parents against gaming. BGMI (known as PUB-G worldwide) for its immense popularity stood to face a lot of negative PR.

BGMI recognised this problem and took measures to foster a safe and healthy gaming space.


The film quickly went viral, garnering more than a million views in the first three days and over 12 million in the three months that it has been up. It also showed a very high degree of engagement and positive response from the stakeholders and the gamers themselves. We not only dispelled fears, but also won 4M+ parental allies and garnered a 85% shift in brand's positive perception.