Cannes Lions


WE ARE LIVE, Oslo / COOP / 2023

Digital Proof JPG
Supporting Images
Demo Film






Every year about 3500 women in Norway are diagnosed with breast cancer.

In support of the Pink Ribbon campaign, the Norwegian grocery chain Coop donates 1 % of its sales in fruit & vegetables in October to the Norwegian Breast Cancer Society.


1) Communicate Coops initiative

2) Support the theme of the 2022 Pink Ribbon campaign; "early detection saves lives".

3) Sell fruit and vegetables at Coop


Because the theme of the Pink Ribbon 2022 campaign was “Early detection saves lives”, we collaborated with public hospital Aker on a unique photo series using a mammography apparatus. The screening was performed by a radiologic technologist and a renowned photographer in Norway.

The images have only been adjusted for contrast in post. No other form of editing and/or cloning have been performed.

The mammograms were used on regular prints in magazine and adshels. In addition they were also printed on transparent acrylic and presented on backlit displays, busses, trams and in Coop stores. The series were also exhibited and sold, with all the money going to the Pink Ribbon campaign.

Similar Campaigns

12 items

1 Cannes Lions Award
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Old Milk

2019, COOP

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