Cannes Lions


JUNG von MATT, Hamburg / FEY & CO / 2011

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Everything revolves around a good night at mattress-maker Fey & Co.And that was precisely what had to be communicated: in an online campaign, Fey & Co was to be presented internationally as a messenger for a very good night.


The tower of goodnight wishes.The design creates a pleasant goodnight atmosphere.The focus is on the customer’s product, because a pile of mattresses grows with each #goodnight tweet. In this way we link the product – mattresses – with an unseen and surprising kind of data visualisation.Each individual mattress contains a goodnight wish with its own lullaby.To achieve that, every letter of the tweet is transformed into a note. This harmonious and simple sound algorithm invites users to compose their own lullabies. Individual animated elements visually underscore the sound experience.Thus, the whole application always remains varied and entertaining, and invites users from all over the world to explore the site and participate in it.


In the first quarter alone, more than 200,000 Lullatweets were generated.The targeted approach to #goodnight Tweeters resulted in a wave of retweets and thousands of people becoming part of our has been received enthusiastically around the globe. Many bloggers have reported on the innovative and entertaining website, and in doing so carried the brand message of Fey & Co throughout all channels.In this unusual way we achieved the goal of heightening awareness of mattress manufacturer Fey & Co exponentially, and establishing the brand as a messenger for a very good night on the social web.

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