Cannes Lions








The mobile campaign for the new mazda2 highlights Mazda's proposition of weight reduction. This followed the success of the instantly-recognizable web campaign inspired by the high-tech car production process, in which a robotic arm moved the messaging and the car around the screen to create an effect that was both visually satisfying and technically impressive. The robotic arm visually brings to life the concept of weight reduction and creates a lasting impression across all digital media.Due to the mobile limitations of a fixed-size single banner, a novel version of the web campaign was created- removing the central top banner from leading publishers' websites until a single robotic arm “breaks out” over the top of the screen and places a conventional banner in position. This unexpected break-out banner increased the click-through percentage significantly due to:a) Causing the user to feel that something unexpected is happening – “where is the banner ad?” focusing attention on the negative space.b) Occupying more screen real estate, therefore catching the users eye and inviting a click through to rich media landing page.The expanded ad unit continued with the robotic arm theme. Once again challenging the users expectations of how mobile web browsing works by dragging the ad across the screen in a manner that suggested that pages can also be dragged into view from “off stage” rather than simply being loaded. This also highlighted the key media message- the theme of being strong but lighter than the previous model. The latest techniques such as html5 canvas ensured that the animation of the car and all other components was as smooth as, or even surpassed, what can be achieved in Flash. In this way the campaign turned the challenge of not being able to rely on Flash into an advantage. Local storage techniques also ensured that the break-out component of the ad was only shown to the user once a day, in order to minimize intrusiveness. An alternative non-break-out animated banner was also produced.The ad achieved click through rates of 5%, this is a dramatic increase of over 400% over comparable click through rates on previous campaigns.

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