Cannes Lions


OMD, Chicago / MCDONALD'S / 2015


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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McDonald’s leveraged the excitement and awareness surrounding the largest media event of the year: the Super Bowl. Together, mass reaching vehicles and strategic sequencing generated national awareness and buzz. The effort kicked off with a teaser phase one week prior to the reveal that leveraged McDonald’s partnership with the NFL Pro Bowl. The spot ran in-game and amplified socially across select primetime shows, NFL digital properties, Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat throughout the week, generating additional excitement.

Super Bowl: the 60-second reveal ran during the second quarter. Post airing, it was amplified socially to drive in-store participation during the promotion window.


McDonald’s was the most talked-about brand on Super Bowl Sunday, achieving the #1 share of voice of brand conversations on Twitter with 23% share of mentions and 25% share of impressions of the top 20 brands in the Super Bowl. Consumers were excited to engage with McDonald’s, proving it by making the brand the most re-tweeted brand in a single day ever on Twitter with 433,000 re-tweets. The Pay with Lovin’ promotion both in-store and on Twitter helped drive the largest increase in purchase consideration (+8.1) and largest increase in word of mouth (+9.1) among all advertisers.

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