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Modern work pressures are causing parents a problem. Longer hours at the office means less time to spend with family, and many parents feel a chronic sense of guilt for not having enough time for their children.Quality family time is essential to both parents and children, and many studies in the Middle East show that a healthy family environment breeds healthy kids, both physically and emotionally.As a family restaurant , McDonald's wanted to recognise a good work/life balance and do something about it. After all, the most important ingredient in all our lives is time with our family. Family Time Forever is a light-hearted look at children winning back their parents from hectic work schedules and long hours at the office. With Family Time Forever McDonald's is not just inspiring families to spend more time together, but also enabling family time through acts that bring them closer together.


Family Time Forever - Parents Report CardFamily Time Forever is a lighthearted look at children winning back their parents from their busy work schedules. It creates a simple movement to remind us all to spend more time with our children. Something McDonald's, as a family restaurant, is keen to champion.

To engage families in the campaign, we created a simple opportunity for parents and kids to connect. In every Happy Meal, we slipped in the Parents Report Card. By adding a twist to the traditional report card, we gave kids a fun way to monitor their parents progress while encouraging parents to make more time for family time.


Family Time Forever has been well received by both client and consumers. Within the Global McDonald's network it is applauded as a best-case example on how to communicate McDonald's as a family restaurant. And in a qualitative research conducted to evaluate the campaign, the feedback proved to be highly positive.The campaign was liked, for not just its clear impactful message but also its high entertainment value and high relevance to the target audience. This has lead to the campaign spreading quickly across the globe and even being picked up in an article in Forbes, which refers to the ad as, "One of the most honest Mickey D's commercials ever."

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