Cannes Lions


HEYE GROUP, Munich / MCDONALD'S / 2012







Some people don't believe in the quality of McDonald's products.Our task was to prove them wrong.Quality is defined by many measurable factors: From a balanced diet to legal regulations, from cleanliness to sustainability – and by taste, certainly. But how could we convince people who don't have a personal experience with our brand and who wouldn't consider visiting a McDonald's Restaurant? Prejudices are difficult to overcome.

It’s where traditional media won't work.

So we decided to play a little trick.


McDonald's as a brand – and as a restaurant – has millions of fans. But there's always the broader audience: the general public. People are sceptical and very careful, especially when food and nutrition are concerned. Quality is crucial – and extremely important for a brand that has to convince millions of guests every single day.


We started this as an experiment: Could we convince people prepared for a gourmet experience of the extraordinary quality of McDonald's products?

How did the guests react when their chef Bernd Arold revealed that their gourmet meal was made with McDonald’s products? With surprise, and enthusiastic applause.Press reaction was positive and appreciative: 'The meal tasted fantastic' (Gourmet Report), 'Menu with a surprise effect' (Gastronomie-Report), 'Fast food with Sterling cutlery' (werben & verkaufen).So, this little piece of 'stealth-communication' found great acceptance.

As this was a local promotion (Munich, Germany), client and agency were very satisfied with a combined result of over 550,000 online visits / print circulation in diverse media.In the end, our delighted guests and the media discovered a universal truth: Good food need good quality. McDonald's quality.

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