Cannes Lions

Me Without You

KING, Stockholm / CANCERFONDEN / 2019

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The Swedish people believe that “society” will take care of you and the necessary cancer research and treatment. And few are aware of the fact that the Swedish Cancer Society is depending on donations and not taxes. This leads to another problem: people see the Swedish Cancer Society as a governmental institution where money goes into a black hole. But your donations really go to someone close to you, your spouse, parent or child. 1 in 3 get cancer, so everyone is affected. In this campaign we wanted people to start a fundraising in someone’s name on our site. In the film we changed our name from “Cancerfonden” to “mormorfonden” (Mormor means grandma) to highlight where to the donations actually goes.

The soundtrack “Me without you” by the loved singer Håkan Hellström was allowed to be used for free because Hellström thought the song, purpose and script matched so well.


1 out of 3 get cancer. This is a film about one of these cases. The film revolves around Oscar and his grandma. They are a tight couple with a special bond. They are two halves that make a whole. Grandma gets cancer and starts her treatment. Their world is falling apart. Oscar decides to help the only way he knows. He starts making bead-figures to sell, starting a fundraising for in his grandma’s name.

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