Cannes Lions


ZEGERS DDB, Santiago / MAVER / 2002


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Alfredo Ramirez 3. Tell teenagers that pimples will no longer be a problem thanks to “Mediklin 12 hours”. Revert the negative perception of a typical problem faced by young people, Ie. pimples, in order to give a positive image to our product. 4. We had an exclusive product in the market, “Mediklin 12 Hours” the only one capable of treating pimples which is such a nuisance for your people to face. We had already been on air for two months, but sales were not picking up. We needed to communicate to the teens that Mediklin existed but apparently that was not the way to do it. It was then that we decided to sponsor a very well known program that also had a good track record called “Extra Jovenes” (Extra Teens). This program was practically the only one that was a 100% addressed to them and hosted by young people aged the same as their audience. What we needed was to speak to them in their own language about a very sensitive and hard to accept subject as of the bad times inflicted on them because of it. For this reason it was absolutely necessary for us to inject the brand with a positive image, including a humorous one. So this was the start of the idea to create a context where only the young would date to participate, because of their spirited, uninhibited ways: the “best pimple” award, which in fact should be the “worst” looking pimple.Among other things, a “medical clinic” was built on the set where the hosts dressed up as doctors tended to contestants lying on stretchers and focused on a pimple – by means of a gigantic magnifying glass – (which considerable enlarged the size of to obtain a more dramatic view). Meanwhile the audience cheered the contestants on, shouting: “Mediklin, Mediklin!!” and finally amid a round of applause, elected the winner. Every day there was a semi-finalist and on Friday a “best pimple” award, consisting of a cash prize plus a set of “Mediklin” products for the final winner. The contest’s success was such that by the second month the program had to increase the number of daily contestants – both men and women – who now openly flaunted their pimples which, in other circumstances would have remained hidden. Any doubts we might have had regarding teens’ response were dissipated and we also confirmed that when teens are addressed in their own language and behavioural codes in a creative and witty fashion, it’s possible to reach them and communicate with them. This humorous way of structuring the context, plus the production team’s and hosts’ commitment to the project, as well as the product’s attractiveness – as there was no other one like in the marketplace - , and above all, the teen’s daring and uninhibited ways, caused sales to double, exceeding all of the client’s planned objective at a reduced cost. 1. Having found the way to handle a very delicate problem faced by teens, ie the pimples issue, by creating a contest that had them in mind, using their language and behavioural codes. We converted a complex problem (for them) into something trivial as “Mediklin 12 Hours, effective treatment of pimples” was now available in the market. So we proposed to the program’s producers to select the week’s largest pimple. The idea was so well received by teens that by the second month the channel had to increase the set’s capacity to admit an increased number of contestants in each program. Consequently, from being a simple contest, it became an important section within the program increasing our screen-time by 200%% without any additional cost for the client. 2. Because a really complex issue among young people was addressed in a humorous and sympathetic way, changing the perception of the subject and granting the brand a positive image. Because from being only sponsors of a given program, we became p[art of it, managing to get the hosts 100% involved with our product “Mediklin 12 hours, pimple treatment” triplicating the on-screen time originally contracted with no additional cost for the client.We also managed to clearly explain to the teens the right way of using the product. The hosts were so involved with Mediklin that they always paid special attention to the details on how to apply it, as this was one of the problems we were facing since instructions had to be followed strictly for the product to be effective.This idea allowed the product to increase sales caused sales to double.


1. Having found the way to handle a very delicate problem faced by teens, ie the pimples issue, by creating a contest that had them in mind, using their language and behavioural codes. We converted a complex problem (for them) into something trivial as “Mediklin 12 Hours, effective treatment of pimples” was now available in the market. So we proposed to the program’s producers to select the week’s largest pimple. The idea was so well received by teens that by the second month the channel had to increase the set’s capacity to admit an increased number of contestants in each program. Consequently, from being a simple contest, it became an important section within the program increasing our screen-time by 200%% without any additional cost for the client.

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