Cannes Lions

Midnight Open


Presentation Image
Supporting Images
Case Film






Midnight Open - Sweden's first golf tournament for pollen allergists, played at night, when the pollen count is at its lowest. The campaign gave Sanofi an opportunity to communicate – how to exercise despite allergies – in an unique way.


The campaign consisted of the following parts:

Launch of the film and campaign Web: creating a first awareness of the initiative among golfers.

Launch of Allegra Facebook page: meant that Sanofi could reach allergies directly in social media.

Updating the event sites and TT calendar: secured visitors to local events. The introduction of the TT calendar facilitated media coverage.

Press Processing national media: creating impact of different localities and national media, as well as interest in the follow-up of the initiative.

Hosting 3 events at midnight during a week in Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm: created a strong connection to the brand and the product offered by Sanofi to the target audience.


The campaign hit the target to reach pollen allergists through Sweden via deserved channels by 800%.

Allegra video reached 1 million views on YouTube and Facebook, which in turn meant that Allegra reached 2 million Swedes on Facebook. The figure is equivalent to the entire Swedish population allergic to pollen.

Number of views was 280% higher than the benchmark.

During the campaign Allegra became the first and only allergy medicine on Google's first page in a search for "allergy treatment".

40% higher amount of participants in the events than what was targeted above the target.

The campaign moved Sanofi communication from talking about the tablet to training, attracting the attention of the pharmaceutical industry, as well as 14 Swedish media such as SVT (Public Service), Expressen Health, Sydsvenskan, Golf Digest and more.

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