Cannes Lions


LOWE NEW YORK, New York / MILK PEP / 2009

Presentation Image






We decided to communicate the message on World Pillow Fight Day in New York City. Days before the annual pillow fight at Wall Street, we designed and put upposters all over the city, inviting New Yorkers to come and fight. The posters were always pasted in pairs, inciting classic rivalries, such asLandlords vs. Tenants, or Bosses Vs Employees. Then we created heavier pillows, saying “Calcium helps build strong bones”, and distributed them at the pillow fight. The idea was to create a big impact at this big event with a relatively small budget.


Apart from the free media exposure, there was a turnout of about 2500potential milk drinkers, who found out why it’s important to have strong bones.

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