Cannes Lions


ALMACEN, Olivos / RIBEIRO / 2013


1 Gold Cannes Lions
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Case Film






Ribeiro is a home appliances retailer known for its unique instalments policy. Its main media to promote offers is the newspaper. During February inflation in Argentina reached an annual 30%. The government forced supermarkets and retail stores to freeze prices and banned advertising in newspapers. Media and advertisers around the country rejected the measure but were not taken into account. Organizations all over the world rejected the measure too. Ribeiro lost its main mass media. Sales dropped.

To help recover sales and to be able to communicate prices and promotions without being banned we launched the SCADNER, an app that scans products from permitted advertising such as cosmetics, food, etc.

After scanning an ad, the SCADNER reveals an offer from Ribeiro in which the price of the scanned product is equal to the price of an instalment. EG: For the price of a shower gel a month you can buy an XBOX in 72 “mini-payments”.

We promote the app with a print ad. This was more disruptive and effective because Ribeiro’s promotional ads were banned. It was a very clever and disruptive idea. This ad invited to download the SCADNER, an app that scans permitted ads and reveals special promotions from Minicuotas Ribeiro. The advertised offers could be purchased from the app or shared in social networks.

The app allowed Minicuotas Ribeiro to communicate its special promotions by means of mass media without being cancelled by the government. And social Networks became Ribeiro’s media. During the first week sales increased 7%.


- Taxis worked as Ribeiro’s itinerant stores. Ribeiro increased their points of purchase from 5 to 50 in Buenos Aires.

- We reached people at the moment they where already spending money to offer a better deal for the same fee.

- Using the taxi’s ticket as the first instalment payment was an efficient way to attract consumers directly to Ribeiro.

- We kept Ribeiro’s main promise for real: Allowing people to buy ‘big’ things for ‘small’ fees.


- During the first week sales increased 7%.

- People and social networks became our media to advertise new offers.

- Ribeiro advertised in 14 full pages for the price of one.

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