Cannes Lions

Missing Chalices

DAVID, New York / STELLA ARTOIS / 2024


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
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The brief was to find a relevant way to build on Stella Artois’ new brand platform positioning the brand as a beer that’s worth more. At the same time, Stella Artois was looking to bring awareness to one of its brand assets: The Chalice.

To do so, we used a peculiar yet universal insight to claim the brands worth: Chalice thefts. By reframing a negative aspect into a positive narrative, we aimed to showcase Stella Artois' worth, tapping into a consumer behavior that resonates across various markets worldwide.


The film opens with a Stella Artois chalice in a cupboard, alongside other glasses. From there, we cut to various situations where we see the chalice in other homes and settings.

We see the chalice drying next to a sink, wrapped in bubble wrap inside a moving box, on a dining table, in a dishwasher, alongside other dishes, and finally, in a glass cabinet.

Super appears over a black screen: Each year, thousands of our chalices go missing from bars.

We cut to a coat hung in the entrance of a home and notice a Stella Artois chalice in its pocket. Our final concept appears: Unacceptable, yet understandable.

Cut to Stella Artois logo.

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With a universal truth, our print campaign resonated on social media, encouraging hundreds of Chalice thieves to 'confess their crimes.' The idea made headlines all over the world and put our brand asset into the public conversation.

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