Cannes Lions



Case Film
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Case Film






Branded content in the region is still in its infancy. Despite being the ‘mot-de-jour’ for the past while, true branded content still faces multiple challenges:

1. Traditional is still BIG! Although digital advertising numbers are rising, all diversified channels of advertising still pale in comparison to TV and other traditional medium spends.

2. The client understanding of Branded Entertainment remains skewed; it is often deemed unnecessary or unreliable (not enough cases and data from the region to build solid rationales). Additionally original content is also mistaken for long-form ads.

3. The scarcity of original Arabic programming is another reason which continues to hinder the growth of branded content. Local broadcasters allow for minimal maneuverability for brands to get involved in their programs, beyond simple visual logo placements. The concept of selling via storytelling therefore remains confined to a basic minimum.

While the above holds true from a brand/marketing perspective, the Middle-Eastern audience is evolving – no longer defined as passive receptors of information. Rather, assuming the role of participants who decide what to consume, what entertains, inspires and moves them! Today’s Arabic skeptic will embrace relevant and honest brands that appear to understand them and add value to their lives.


ADCB became native within the program as it spoke the same language, interacted with the characters, and engaged in authentic scenarios, all laced in Emirati humor!

We replicated the entire banking experience through 3D animation: Exterior and interior, bank employees, and the manner in which they greet new customers.

Throughout the season, ADCB was featured in 12 of 15 episodes with branding subtly weaved into strategic positions within the episodes: ATMs, billboards and other collateral were seamlessly woven into the storyline. But we didn’t stop there!

We identified the old, money-loving character Grandpa Aidha, and scripted a full episode that integrated banking into the storyline of Khosa Bosa; taking into account local Emirati insights, which brought together the old & new generations and their thinking regarding money matters. The moral of the story was linked directly back to the product and the benefits of banking the Islamic way.


Khosa Bosa connected with the local Emirati families reaching a total of 38% of Emirati locals. (IPSOS UAE Ramadan TV survey 2013)

Enqiries for Islamic Banking products went up by 28% (ADCB internal research) and acquisition was up by a massive 69% (ADCB internal research) during this month when compared to the previous years, Khosa Bosa continues to inject humor and spread the knowledge of Islamic Banking of ADCB till date with various exposures on other TV stations, online platforms, along with in-flight entertainment videos and DVD sales.

Most importantly, we related to both the older and younger generations through innovative representations of cultural heritage; Long Live Ambition!

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