Spikes Asia

Mongolia Radio

Y&R MONGOLIA, Ulaanbaatar / HIGH CITY FM 92.1 / 2016


1 Silver Spikes Asia
1 Bronze Spikes Asia
MP3 Original Language
MP3 Original Language
MP3 Original Language






These are produced as a series of radio spots that 'mimic' movie trailers of made up films, that would require huge budgets to produce, in order to illustrate the power of radio and its relatively affordable production compared to TV and video.

Genghis Khan's palace: A messenger arrives to inform Genghis Khan of his peace emissaries to Khwarezm (Kingdom of Persia) being executed by lords of Khwarezm. Infuriated, the Khan launches his invasion of the Khwarezmid Empire. As he gathers his troops and readies for battle, we are informed that this epic battle to decide the fate of nations will cost millions in gold coins to produce...except on radio. The spot ends with a message from High City radio to create big productions even on tight-arse budgets.

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