Cannes Lions


UNCLE GREY, Copenhagen / MONSTARLAB / 2021

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Monsterlab is a technology company operating in an ever-changing market where new innovations and fast-paced competitors are continually redefining the category.

It is a category that is rife with communication conventions and often becomes littered with corporate lingo, conservative imagery and often feels prescriptive and predictable.


Create a brand identity that visualizes that the brand is constantly evolving.


--Infuse continuous change into our brand identity.

--Leverage our unique capabilities within data management.

--Make it distinctive and ownable for Monsterlab.

--Design the identity tell our brand narrative.


The combined budget to design the identity and build the algorithm and execute the idea across the various touchpoints was app. USD 55.000.

Scale and volume

The new identity become the focal point of all of MonsterLabs communication activities. Becoming the universal design language for all communication activities and making the brand identity the core of all future campaign activities.


Brand Relevancy

The core of Monsterlabs business is technological consultancy, leveraging data to accelerate business growth. A highly competitive field where new entrants pop up daily and where large global enterprises are spending massive amounts on big media campaigns to market their offering to international cooperations.

Without the means to compete head-to-head with international players Monsterlab needed a different and distinctive way to communicate their unique offering.

The strategy was to design a unique design language that would bring to life the core of our strengts in our brand identity.

Target Audience

--Global enterprises in need of digital transformation

--Specifically CTOs and CIOs and CEOs

--The global tech press

The initiative needed to make Monsterlab "punch above their weight" and enabled them to get their messaging across by outsmarting the competition.


Elements and touch points

The brand refresh included an audit of all existing materials and established a new approach to design infusing all aspects of the brand including their website, social media, signage, merchandise, promotional activities and corporate events.

Materials, style and design choices

The identity was adopted through-out all of our communication. Bringing the identity to life in everything from employees to the corporate paper-line.

Development and process

As an integral part of the design process we conducted a series of in-depth qualitative interviews, onsite workshops and exploration into the company culture. This became the staring point of the design exploration - creating the new identity.


By understanding the essence of Monsterlab we created an identity that expressed the essence of their brand ethos.


The work has been adopted through-out the organisation and has been amplified by becoming the central creative element in their mass communication activities.


Value for the brand

With a new understanding of their core strengths Monsterlab was able to put their unique offering at the heart of their marketing activities. Leveraging design to established a differentiated position.

Value for the audience

In a cluttered marketplace Monsterlab was able to stand-out in clearly communicate the innovative and data-driven aspect of their brand. Making their offering easy to understand in a complicated category.

Cultural impact

The impact of the new brand identity has created a stronger understanding of its unique strengths within the organisation. Bringing to life their unique view on creativity and innovation as something that is created by combining data and creativity to accelerate business growth.


It is difficult to attribute an exact number to the value of the brand refresh but 2020 was by far the strongest year in the history of the company.

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UNCLE GREY, Copenhagen



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