Cannes Lions



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Whilst most smokers are aware of the harm they are doing themselves and want to quit, they are unable to do so as it’s one of the hardest journey they’ll ever undertake. Rather than just promoting the dangers which they are already aware of, we therefore choose to create an innovative support program that would guide them through every step of the journey.

A mobile app offered the potential to provide smokers with the most supportive tool; one that would be at hand 24/7/365. For it to truly drive behavioral change, and not become just another of the millions of rarely used mobile apps, it would have to provide all the advice and support most needed by a quitter.

Introducing, My QuitBuddy.

A mobile application packed with genuinely supportive tools to nurture any smoker through their particular journey.

Rational functionality provides support tailored to their stage in the journey:

• Review every day, hour and minute achieved smoke-free, the corresponding milligrams of chemicals avoided, and dollars saved

• Keep fingers occupied through distraction tips and a Fruit Sorter mini game

• See your own recovery through a human body info-graphic visually healing over time

Gaming and social functionality provide emotional support:

• Record personal goals in pictures, words or audio messages e.g. “You can do it Daddy!”

• Share progress and quit tips with others in the same journey via Community Notes

• Unlock ‘recovery levels’ e.g. “After 2 weeks tobacco has faded from your fingers”

• Beat your previous Personal Best. If a lifetime of being smoke-free is just too distant a goal than go for a new ‘high score’.

My QuitBuddy quickly became the No.1 Health and Fitness app in Australia generating 120k downloads and 2m sessions.

It’s 4.5 star rating shows the real difference being made to people’s lives.

“After 31 years of smoking and trying to quit numerous times I seem to have quit. My QuitBuddy has helped me daily and I don’t think I would have been able to do it without it.” (Lisa, 15/03/13).

Ultimately, smoking cessation is the only measure that truly matters - 39% of smokers who have used My QuitBuddy app have indicated they are managing to stay quit.

This is 800% higher than standard success rates.


On 'World No Tobacco Day', My QuitBuddy was launched, an innovative iPhone and Android app available 24/7/365 to nurture them through their attempt to quit.

Rational functionality provides support tailored to their stage in the journey:

•Review every day, hour and minute achieved smoke-free, the corresponding milligrams of chemicals avoided, and dollars saved

•Keep fingers occupied through distraction tips and a Fruit Sorter mini game

•See your own recovery through a human body infographic visually healing over time

Gaming and social functionality provide emotional support:

•Record personal goals in pictures, words or audio messages e.g. “You can do it Daddy!”

•Share progress and quit tips with others in the same journey via Community Notes

•Unlock ‘recovery levels’ e.g. “After 2 weeks tobacco has faded from your fingers”

•Beat your previous Personal Best. If a lifetime of being smoke-free is just too distant a goal than go for a new ‘high score’.


My QuitBuddy quickly became the Number 1 Health & Fitness app, generating 120k downloads and 2 million sessions in Australia alone.

Its 4.5 star rating shows the difference being made to people’s lives.

“After 31 years of smoking and trying to quit numerous times I seem to have quit. My QuitBuddy has helped me daily and I don’t think I would have been able to do it without it” (Lisa, 15/03/13)

Crucially, 39% of users indicate they are managing to stay quit, 800% higher than standard success rates. We are now on a strong course to reduce smoking to 10% by 2018.

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