Cannes Lions


WAVEMAKER, Mumbai / CADBURY / 2024

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Case Film
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Gift-giving is huge business in India, and Cadbury Celebrations is the go-to product during national holidays such as Diwali, though not necessarily on birthdays. With positive sentiment at the heart, why not recognise every birthday as a universal occasion of joy and celebration?

We put this to test and challenged the market to think differently about birthdays. Through thorough analysis of birthday behaviors and consumer preferences, we identified multiple media touchpoints where individuals are most receptive to personalised messaging, enabling us to craft a campaign that resonates deeply with the target audience.

The challenge was to revolutionise the brand from a seasonal player to a year-round gifting choice. Launching an innovative AI solution meant personalisation at scale, with each and every consumer reached celebrated as the star of their own birthday.


Utilising data signals and consumer behaviors, we pinpointed birthdays as the pinnacle of gifting occasions. In every culture, every language, the lyrics and tune of the 'Happy Birthday' song have remained pretty much the same since it was first published over 120 years ago.

But each person is special in their own way and the celebrations on their special day should reflect that. This is the core idea behind this campaign: making people feel more valued and cherished on their Birthday, integrating with the brand’s proposition to make every occasion special.

We targeted gifters and giftees, crafting a campaign that empowered individuals to create memorable moments. Leveraging technology and AI, we scaled our insights to drive impactful results, resonating emotionally and driving business growth. This approach not only touched hearts but also made waves in the global media market, showcasing the power of understanding consumer behavior in crafting innovative campaigns.


Based on consumer insights, we homed in on individuals who cherish the tradition of celebrating birthdays and seek meaningful ways to make these occasions special for their loved ones. They already have a relationship with Cadbury Celebrations, and this campaign marked the next step in bringing the brand to a new gifting occasion.

Our approach centered around identifying and leveraging key touchpoints in the consumer journey surrounding birthdays. By strategically deploying communication on platforms where individuals naturally engage during birthday celebrations, such as social media, messaging apps, and experiential events, we ensured maximum visibility and impact.

Our approach involved understanding the nuances of birthday behaviors and tailoring our communication to meet consumers at various stages of the celebration journey. From pre-birthday anticipation to post-celebration reflections, we orchestrated a seamless media strategy that guided consumers through each step while reinforcing the emotional connection with Cadbury Celebrations.


We created a platform for users to share information about what makes the birthday person so special. The digital tool then created custom lyrics embellished with these details. Users could set a music genre and download as a video with the lyrics playing in sync with the vocals for a tech-enabled sing-a-long.

By harnessing Generative AI, we delivered personalised experiences at scale, enriching the birthday gifting experience for both gifters and giftees.

We utilised social media and messaging apps, as well as experiential platforms like PVR Cinemas and more. Through seamless integration, we ensured a cohesive experience that resonated with consumers.

The campaign was strategically rolled out over two months, aligning with the peak season of birthday celebrations.

With 1.3 million personalised songs and a reach of +1.9 billion impressions, the campaign achieved remarkable scale and engagement, establishing Cadbury Celebrations as a brand synonymous with personalised-gifting experiences.


• 1.3 Million birthday songs created. Consumers exhibited significant engagement by creating personalised songs, resulting in extended time spent with the brand across various media touchpoints.

• #MyBirthdaySong achieved a sales increae of 10% in Q3 when the campaign was launched vs sales in Q2

• Imagery scores shot up by 5 PP, and trials amongst people who saw the ad jumped by a whopping 18 PP.

• Esteemed publications like Brand Equity, AFAQs, Financial Express, covered the campaign, enhancing its visibility and credibility among the target audience.

• The campaign's exceptional performance resulted in earned PR worth more than 2 crores, 240 Mn USD.

• Positive sentiments expressed on social media accounted for approximately 70% of responses, indicating heightened consumer loyalty and brand advocacy.

• The campaign positively impacted brand perception, positioning Cadbury Celebrations as a brand that values personalized experiences and celebrates the uniqueness of every individual's birthday.

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