Cannes Lions


LA DESPENSA, Madrid / MINI / 2017

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Case Film






The biggest problem for any parent is getting their baby to sleep. It is a remarkably difficult task, except when they are riding in the car. It is no coincidence, as it has been scientifically proven that this is because the car's engine generates white noise, a sound signal containing all same-power sound frequencies, and this reassures babies and puts them to sleep.

This is why we created Nanas MINI, a mobile lullabies APP which reproduces the noise of MINI's engines. We developed a solution that can be used anywhere, and thus we solve the problem of many families with our product.


The launch of the application was supported by a communication campaign on social media (Facebook, Instagram and Youtube) and in the App Stores. Additionally, MINI's Public Relations Department supported the launch of the app with a press release, which became content in both motor industry media and lifestyle media.


The app has currently achieved more than 16,000 downloads with an excellent user rating of 4.4 out of 5 in Play Store and Apple Store. During the month of the launch, it became the most downloaded APP in the category, with a 15% average conversion (10% is already considered a resounding success). We also appeared in dozens of media outlets which covered the news, even in international media. We were featured both in general media and in specialised motor and family media.

The campaign that supported the launch of the app got more than 500,000 views on YouTube and 200,000 on Facebook.

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