Cannes Lions



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The Foundation to Combat Antisemitism’s mission is to address hate against Jews in the United States. It has focused its activities on positive messaging and partnerships, motivating and equipping non-Jews to be defenders and upstanders for Jews. ​

Despite these efforts, U.S. antisemitic incidents were escalating. After the events of October 2023, antisemitic incidents increased 388+% per the ADL. Concurrently, people had become increasingly skeptical of data, and wary of misinformation. Sharing facts about increasingly hateful incidents was met with criticism, skepticism and more hate.

In order to solve this problem, we needed a breakthrough that went beyond statistics. We needed people to understand the staggering impact of Jewish hate today by humanizing the problem and putting a face to the data. We needed to show what it feels like to be at the receiving end of hate, and encourage people to want to stand up to it.


The film opens in a synagogue on a 13-year-old boy beginning the Torah portion of his Bar Mitzvah. A super reads “895 Jewish temples received bomb threats last year. This is one of those stories.” Sirens and flashing flights take over the scene. Across the street, another teenage boy inside a church hears the commotion and goes to the window to investigate. Back at the synagogue, the Rabbi directs the congregants to evacuate as the police dispatch VO begins, “Active 10-89, the threat says ‘Bombs will blow up tonight. The Jews will die. They deserve to die.’” The church’s pastor invites the Jewish congregants over to the church to resume the Bar Mitzvah service. The teenage boy from the church comforts the Bar Mitzvah boy so he can finish his ceremony. As the service concludes, a super reads: “Hate loses when we stand together. Stand Up to Jewish Hate.”


We set out to shine a light on a problem people didn’t see.

And we did.

41% increase in agreement antisemitism is a major problem.

(Attitudinal shift among “The Apathetics” directly linked to our campaign)

We created massive reach and action.

-1,765+ earned media stories

-7.4B+ media impressions

-23,000+ unsolicited donations

-Shared by key opinion leaders - 96M+ followers

-Over 5M+ Blue Square pins requested and distributed

And with antisemitism exploding, we needed to create more allies.

We have.

33% increase in likelihood to stand up against Jewish hate.

(Behavioral shift among “The Apathetics” directly linked to our campaign)

The campaign message reached the U.S. Senate Floor, and even helped to pass ‘End Jew Hatred Day’ in Congress.

We are continuing to build on our underlying ‘bystanders into allies’ strategy, deploying the blue square asset as a powerful symbol of support and standing up to Jewish hate.

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