Cannes Lions

Netflix Marquee Goes Global

NETFLIX, Los Angeles / NETFLIX / 2024


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Global expansion, and more minutes viewed are key growth objectives for Netflix, especially as streaming markets mature, competition increases and the battles for attention and affinity get harder. The explosion of content leads to viewer difficulties recalling where they found what they liked. It’s essential for Netflix to forge memorable linkage and brand love as the place presenting these beloved stars and titles.

The first permanent Netflix Marquee board on Sunset Blvd became an unexpected and recurring weekly character for the Hollywood community - successfully linking the brand with stars and titles, creating branded social conversations. The pressure of a weekly cadence led to a new creative approach that melded social listening, iterative feedback on hits and misses, and an evolving OOH-hybrid role in conversations between brand, talent/titles, and fans.

The challenge was to take these Sunset Blvd lessons and develop a successful global network of new local Marquees.


Forging a network of local Marquees starts with an already established and well defined social voice in each host country, tailored to the interests of local fan audiences. Through years of community management, each social team has honed their own unique, first-person style of speaking that’s defined what Netflix means for their country. Local Marquees were envisioned as a new outlet for these voices - breaking out of social feeds and going directly to a street-level audience.

Local teams searched for their own iconic placements that had high levels of foot traffic, encapsulated the unique culture of the host city, and was centrally located to allow easy accessibility for talent and fans to interact with these new Marquees.

Sustaining relevance and ongoing social conversations relies upon social listening, curating the title calendar for maximum opportunities - and staying nimble to jump on emergent memes, hot characters, and unexpected social moments.


Forging a network of local Marquees starts with an already established and well defined social voice in each host country, tailored to the interests of local fan audiences. Through years of community management, each social team has honed their own unique, first-person style of speaking that’s defined what Netflix means for their country. Local Marquees were envisioned as a new outlet for these voices - breaking out of social feeds and going directly to a street-level audience.

Local teams searched for their own iconic placements that had high levels of foot traffic, encapsulated the unique culture of the host city, and was centrally located to allow easy accessibility for talent and fans to interact with these new Marquees.

Sustaining relevance and ongoing social conversations relies upon social listening, curating the title calendar for maximum opportunities - and staying nimble to jump on emergent memes, hot characters, and unexpected social moments.


Local Marquees were launched in waves, as the right iconic locations were secured and the social team trained for this new hybrid OOH+social opportunity.

Wave 1 launched in Mexico City, Paris (end of 2022).

Wave 2 launched in February 2023: Buenos Aires, Stockholm.

Wave 3 launched in spring/summer 2023: New York, Warsaw, Seoul, Monterrey.

Wave 4 launched in fall 2023: Madrid, Sydney.

These Marquees quickly became talent destinations (including Lily Collins in Paris, Witcher cast in Warsaw, Chelo in Madrid), earned media magnets, and objects of conversations. Select global titles received global special build outs, like the coordinated release of Manga sensation One Piece.

From beloved soap opera talent in Spain to a local mosquito infestation in Argentina, each Marquee offers a canvas for true authenticity that only exists because of real-time feedback from local social media.


The global network of 12 local Marquees succeeded in building new brand engagement in every dimension:

● +1B total global impressions in 2023 (paid OOH + earned + owned social).

● Paid local media impressions of +50M direct impressions each month.

● +500 total new Marquee posts create an ongoing conversational cadence surrounding 12 locations (each broad posts 20 - 52 posts per board per year).

● Netflix-owned social feeds add 164M impressions and 6.8M engagements.

● Organic talent social posts undoubtedly add tens of millions more (specific numbers unavailable due to tracking and attribution that are challenging because of hashtag inconsistencies and coordination issues).

● Organic fan posts happen daily in all cities (we know anecdotally, but quantification isn’t available).

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