Cannes Lions

Netflix: Sintonia Homecoming


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Netflix's Sintonia, the most watched Brazilian series worldwide on the platform, was launching its new season. The show provides viewers with a glimpse into the diverse and complex experiences of young people in Brazil, making it both entertaining and culturally relevant. To communicate the new season, we needed to reflect this culture seen in the series, keeping it relevant to its roots and biggest fans, people from the favelas.


Communicate the launch of Sintonia's new season to the series fans and potential viewers.


Create impact about the series return

Engage its fan base in the new season plot


Sintonia celebrates the culture from the favelas free from stereotypes, mirroring its characters journey with the real life urban experiences.

In the previous season, characters left the favela to chase their dreams in the world. But now, the new plot was to bring them back home. So, to strengthen the connection even more with its fans, for the Season 4 launch, we decided to go back with them.

The new season arrived at the favela, just like its fan base heads home from downtown every day: through a lengthy train journey.

For the 1st time, an entire series got on board a public transportation to take the story back where it belongs, in a stunt experience inspired by the real life context of the show's audience.


This work aimed to target the fans of the show and new viewers who identify with the themes of the series.

Based on the cultural insight on how people go to the favelas in their everyday routines, the strategy was to connect with this audience in the place where they are, using the train as a symbolic connection of the serie's plot with the real people's daily journeys to the favelas.

This way we created a fan-centric experience, immersing fans in the series, while continuing to reflect the show's mission of celebrating the favelas and its culture.

To amplify the stunt, the event was supported by a digital strategy and live broadcasting to make the experience reach those who weren't on the train. The contents created there were explored on social channels to encourage conversations around the series and sustain the interest in its first week on air.


A few days before the event, a Sintonia bling-ring train ran through São Paulo train's stations, already making people curious about the new season. We also started to tease fans in brand channels and in the podcast's social media about a surprising event from Sintonia.

On the day of the event, the podcast and the talents of the show covered their path to the train station, giving hints on what was coming. Then the Sintonia train arrived, inviting the fans of the show to get on board in a surprising series experience heading for the favelas. The cars were loaded with the talents of the show, live performances, and the new season's hot hits. All broadcasted in a special episode of the #1 podcast in Brazil that has great affinity with the series audience.

The digital contents created throughout the event kept the conversation going in the days after.


This idea worked with a public train as the most relevant space to interact with the series story and its audience. Fostering genuine connections that drove great results for the season's launch:

The new season premiered as #1 in Brazil and hit #1 on Netflix worldwide as non-english series.

+6.4MM viewers on the show's premiere

+2MM total interactions about the train event on social media

+790K live stream total views on Youtube

+3.2K organic comments on social media

+21% more interactions on social media than the main campaign of the previous season.

Thousands of fans from the favelas feeling represented seeing Netflix in their neighborhoods.

In the end, the idea brought the series back on track in the favela, reuniting the show with its fans and proudly celebrating the place where all of them truly belong.

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